How is Sicché different from other qualitative platforms?

There are many platforms for qualitative online projects, and we too, as qualitative researchers, used many of them before designing Sicché (and still do, as freelance researchers!).

None, however, has ever convinced us completely.  

These platforms all very efficient from a technological point of view, but with some limitations in terms of ease of use for both respondents and researchers. Generally complex and time-consuming for what concerns guide setup, moderation functions that have clearly not been designed for an ongoing and on the go analysis of the results... in short, none in our opinion fully supports our work of moderation and analysis.

📄 How many times, while using one of these platforms, it happens that you have to copy and paste excerpts and quotes into a word file or similar to avoid losing the best sentences to use in the report?

👀 How many times do you have to re-read the contents over and over again to understand the differences between different segments, like women and men, or between users and non-users?

🚀 How often does it happen that you don’t understand how to setup question options when loading the guide – makes it seem easier to launch the Apollo 11 spaceship!

🕛 And also: why live with the anxiety that the platform will close at 11.59 pm on the last day of fieldwork without leaving any way for late respondents to complete the missing questions?

The design of Sicché started precisely from here, namely the desire to overcome the limitations of existing qualitative platforms to achieve the best possible experience for clients, researchers and, not least, interviewees.

In a nutshell, we wanted a platform that was finally created and designed by those who know and use them on a daily basis, capable of responding to the needs of researchers and with features that would facilitate their work.

In short, a platform for researchers, conceived, designed, and maintained by researchers. And it is not just a catchphrase 😎

We think we have succeeded, as the researchers who use it, in Italy and around the world, are proving to us every week.

And you? Have you tried it yet? 😉

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