Terms and conditions



1.1. For the purposes of these conditions of use, "User" means the person who uses the services offered by the site www.sicche.com (hereinafter also referred to as the "Site"), whether limited to consulting the information contained therein or using the reserved areas.

1.2. The use of the Site is governed by these "Terms and Conditions of Use" (hereinafter also referred to as the "Conditions"), whose acceptance determines the conclusion of an agreement between the User and the Owner, and is provided through the mere continuation of navigation on the Web pages of the Site. If you do not intend to accept these Conditions, you must immediately leave the navigation of the Site.

1.3. Further rules and conditions may be prepared by the Owner to regulate individual services offered on the Site: the User must comply with them in order to take advantage of the related goods and services.


2.1. The term Service Holder (hereinafter also referred to as the "Holder") is used uniquely to Sicché Smart Insights S.r.l., with registered office in Via Rugabella n. 1, 20122 - Milan.

2.2. The Holder reserves the right to make changes, even substantial ones, to these Conditions at any time, informing the User by publishing them on the Site. Subsequent access to the modification implies full acceptance by the User of the new conditions of use.


3.1. All contents published or present on the Site, including their selection and organization as well as the layout and design of the Site, are protected by the Privacy Law (Legislative Decree 30/06/2003, n. 196), by the law on copyright (Law 22/04/1941, n. 633 and subsequent amendments and additions) and by other national and international regulations on the protection of intellectual and industrial property, their amendments and additions.


4.1. The User undertakes not to access the reserved areas if he/she is not the true and legitimate holder of the access credentials.

4.2. The User is required to use the Site and the services offered by it in strict and constant compliance with the law, public order and morality (including customary rules related to the so-called Netiquette), and what is established in these Conditions.

4.3. In the event that the User accesses his/her reserved area to integrate or modify his/her personal data, he/she is obliged to provide information strictly necessary to use the services provided by the Site.

4.4. Once the account has been activated, in light of the legal consequences of such use, the User undertakes to use legitimately and correctly the same account and the related user-id and password.

4.5. The User must keep with due care and diligence the user-id and passwords related to his/her account, and, in case of theft or loss, he/she has the obligation to communicate it promptly, requesting the deactivation of the account.

4.6. The User has the obligation to give timely notice to the Holder of the loss or theft of access credentials (User-id and password): in the absence of such notice, all manifestations of will, acts and facts producing legal effects made through User's account will be attributed unquestionably to them.

4.7. The Holder is not liable in any way for the unlawful consultation of personal data contained in the reserved area by unauthorised third parties who have become aware of the User's authentication credentials due to User's negligence.

4.8. The User undertakes not to disturb in any way the use of the service by other Users.

4.9. It is forbidden for the User to copy or otherwise take the content of the Site, in all its parts, for uses other than strictly personal use, without prejudice to the provisions of copyright and/or industrial law.


5.1. The Holder undertakes to provide the User with the online usability of the Site and the services offered for it, as well as the communication tools connected to them.

5.2. The Holder assumes no responsibility for any interruption and/or suspension of the service provided and/or other limitation of the usability of the service itself in any part, for technical problems of its own and/or third parties, generated by factors or circumstances beyond its control. In case of problems in the operation of parts of the site, the User may report them to the following address info@sicche.com.

5.3. The Holder has the right to use alternative and/or accessory communication and/or publication tools to the Site, in order to make the services offered to Users accessible, also using, as example, linking or mirroring techniques.

5.4. The Holder is not responsible for any use of the Site and of the services it offers made in violation of the law, morality or public order, or in contravention of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.

5.5. The Holder offers no guarantee that the information entered on the Site will be up to date.

5.6. The Holder does not exercise any control over links to other websites and their content on its pages. If the link is referrable to a Site that offers further services through the Holder, its use will be governed by the conditions of use set out by the service provider.

5.7. The Holder shall not be liable for any damage and/or loss and/or malfunctioning and/or prejudice of any kind that may be caused to the User's computer by the use of the service provided by the same, nor for any contamination of the computer system resulting from access, interconnection, downloading of material and computer programs from the Site; the relevant repair/recovery costs remain the User's responsibility.


6.1. The Site is protected by the copyright laws in force in Italy.

6.2. The User is prohibited from copying or otherwise taking, publishing, disseminating, transmitting or otherwise making available, even partially and/or as a result of changes, what is published on the Site, except where expressly provided for in the Site.
